Christmas Party/Club Meeting/Awards 2014
$4,000 Donation at Launch of Get BEDDER Care 2014
Members of the Penticton Metal Detectors Club were invited to the South Okanagan Similkameen Medical Foundations Christmas Reception presentation by Maureen Thomson on the launch of Get BEDDER Care held at Art Knapp’s Plantland, 670 Duncan Ave W, in Penticton, BC on Nov 19/14. It was a great opportunity for the club to present the hospital with a cheque in the amount of $4,000 from the money raised by the sale of 400 WestJet raffle tickets. The bed being sat on in the photo is a bed that the hospital wishes to purchase for the Pediatric section. The hospital hopes to purchase 40 beds at $12,000 each and so far the total Westjet donations made to the hospital by the Club ($24,400) would enable them to purchase 2 beds. Club members in attendance were Jim T (holding the cheque), Jo-Anne B and Ken D.

October 2014 Club Hunt at Spirit Square Park in Summerland, BC
The October club hunt was held on October 25/14 at a park located right along the water in beautiful Summerland, BC. This was the largest monthly club hunt held with a total of 16 club members in attendance, as well as the young son of one our newest members. With the hunt held so close to Halloween, the members were ‘warned’ that there would be some very interesting finds…and ‘very interesting’ they were! Throughout the field were planted various prize tokens, along with ‘creepy crawly’ creatures. Those members who were fortunate enough to find the prize tokens were rewarded with wonderful coins of all varieties. And even the ‘creepy crawly’ creatures rewarded the ones who found them…you just had to work a little harder to get to the prize! A wonderfully hot pot of chilli awaited all the members for lunch and was attended to by a very scary witch!! After lunch various members gathered around for a demonstration of pin pointing in the grass and then everyone was free to head back out to the field to see what they could find. A good time was had by all and much thanks was given to our awesome ‘Huntmaster’, Syd B.
June 2014 Club Hunt at Granite City, BC
The June club hunt was held June 21/14 at a private campground adjacent to the old ghost town of Granite City, just across the river from Coalmont, BC. There were 30 people registered for the hunt with many of those camped at the site for the weekend. Members of the West Coast Treasure Hunters Club, Fraser Valley Treasure Hunters Club, and Penticton Metal Detectors Club were present. The first seeded hunt was held at 11:00am and the second seeded hunt at 2:00pm, with many coins and prize tokens being found. Everyone enjoyed a potluck chili lunch, and some got into the “Bring Home the Bacon” game, the various other raffles and the swap meet. The event went so well that many of the participants asked us to consider holding this event again next year.
May 2014 Club Hunt at Keremeos Rodeo Grounds
The May club hunt was held May 24/14 at the Keremeos Elks Rodeo Grounds. Activities started at 10:00am with the arrival of club members. Present were: Syd and Jo-Anne B, Rob B, Ken D, Brian and Lynn D, Ken and Sharon K, Paul and Carole S, and Hank and Sharon V. Members searched the park until noon when we took a break for lunch. After lunch we went back to searching the park for a couple of hours and then gathered to award various prizes and check out some notable finds.