Club Christmas Party/Club Meeting/Awards 2015
Donation to the Penticton Hospital 2015
Members of the Okanagan Treasure Hunters Club were invited to a Customer Appreciation night at Garden Works for our donations to the Penticton Hospital. A cheque in the amount of $3,460.00, from the Westjet ticket sales, was presented, bringing the donation grand total to almost $26,000.

October 2015 Club Hunt at Sun-Oka Beach Provincial Park
A club hunt was held on October 24th at Sun-Oka Beach, with 11 members attending and one guest. Coins were seeded in the sand as well as 16 tokens and many walked away with great prizes. There was a “Funny Hat” contest that the attendees voted on and Syd B. won for the best hat. Jo-Anne B. provided a delicious lunch of chili, buns, dessert and coffee.
September 2015 Club Hunt at Joe Rich
Despite the fact that there was a steady rain most of the day, a large number of members, and even a couple guests, came out for a fun day of hunting at a field in Joe Rich, approximately 15 km outside of Kelowna.
The field was once the main hunting ground for the annual hunt put on by the detecting club that used to meet in Kelowna. Although their last big hunt was a number of years ago, it had also encountered not so pleasant weather. And thanks to their hunt ending early, the field was still well seeded and many coins were to be found these many years later.
June 2015 Club Hunt at Apex Mountain Resort
The June club hunt was held on June 21/15 at Apex Mountain Resort (just west of Penticton, BC) with 11 members and 1 guest that came out for a fun day of detecting. People starting hunting at about 10:30am, with a few venturing to scale the steep hills in search of hidden treasures. At about 12:30pm everyone gathered together to enjoy lunch and a great time of socializing. After lunch many members went back out to hunt and by the end of the day some very nice items were found.