Club Christmas Party/Club Meeting/Awards 2017

November 2017 Club Hunt at Boucherie Ball Fields in West Kelowna

On November 25th nine club members braved the cold weather at Boucherie ball fields in West Kelowna. We hunted for a few hours, broke for lunch, looked at each other’s finds and played a game of; most coins, most pull tabs, oldest coin etc.  We all walked away with a prize. Everyone had a great time.

Donation to the Penticton Hospital 2017

Members of the Okanagan Treasure Hunters Club (from left to right: Shirley L, Syd B, Don C, Jo-Anne B, Jim T and Jacques S) presented a cheque in the amount of $4,000 to the South Okanagan Similkameen Medical Foundation’s Carey Bornn, from the money raised by the sale of WestJet raffle tickets. This brings the donation grand total to the Penticton Hospital to more than $32,000.

October 2017 Club Hunt at Sun-Oka Beach Provincial Park

In recognition of “ Halloween”………. a good showing of Treasure Hunters dressed up for the occasion, for a fantastic Treasure Hunt at Sunoka Beach Park on Saturday October 28/17. What a hoot! There were approximately 25 + costumed hunters who attended and had a great time finding coins and tokens for terrific merchandise prizes, as well as prizes for costumes. A big thank you to Jo-Anne for cooking up one of the most delicious chili lunches ever! And super kudos to Syd for organizing another fantastic outing!!!